Yesterday we were freshwater fishing at Phuket Fishing Park....which isn't a 'park' but a nice lake surrounded by trees and with little bamboo shelters to relax and have lunch in.
We were honoured to have Mr Roger Bazand in our company. Roger, a legend in his own angling lifetime, had heard about the lake fishing here whilst lazing about in his Australian retirement home and popped over to Phuket to join us for a few days ...that's the sort of chap he is. And, of course, he caught the first fish....a nice carp...which he tells us are considered vermin in Australia and are responsible for killing off many of the indigineous species over there. Thus, when caught, they are removed from that particular stretch of Aussie water and made into Castlemaine XXXX and exported back to Europe (or Asia!).
Pleasant scenery, colourful plants, sunny weather, bit of a welcome breeze, great company, plenty of Mr Caines often says 'We're pissed off being so happy!'
....and with another catfish.....
And here's Whittall...doing the usual thing...running round after his demanding customers and netting their fish for them...this was a nice catfish coming to Graham's rod.