Sunday, January 3, 2016

Quality and Quantity.

 Here we are. January 2nd. All at the ready to set the world alight with amazing fishing. Well.....we anglers must always maintain a positive poutlook....who knows what each day may or may not bring? Will we get any bites? Will there be hook ups? Will the fish stay on? Will they/it be safely netted?? So many things to much to concern us as well as taking in the spectacular scenery of Exotic Fishing Thailnd.
 This was to be Steve Thorne's 4th visit to the lake with last year's trip being a two, 5 days in total over the past three years....and it was to be his best with not one but THREE Arapaima safely cage netted. Steve's day say the first Arapaima at 0930 (50kg), the second at midday (60kg), two more hooked and lost at 1300 and 1330 and then the third Arapaima at 1510 weighing in at 45kg. What a day!!

All the Arapaima's were taken on freshly caught small fish and legered on the bottom.

 Meanwhile Mark Butland caught this 15kg Wallagoo Attu  which was caught on Lam bait.
The Wallagoo Attu from the front showing off its lengthy feelers. Mark said the fight was very impressive with the fish leaping clear of the water on several occasions.
 Star of the show...Dave Lovelock's 140kg Arapaima (300lb) which took his leger lam bait at midday. Dave had already lost one Arapaima right at the net so determined to play this fish more gently resulting in a 30 minute fight. After this spectacular fish, Dave hooked into another giant estimated at 130kg which threw the hook just as it was nearing the cage.
 Dave's three Shimano rods neatly lined up....pellets to the right, lam bait on the middle rod and chicken/fish baits presented on the left hand rod. The middle rod took all three Arapaimas which pleased Dave as it was the lighter of the rod and allowed him the best sport.

Dave was in Malta in November representing England at the annual  EFSA European Championships. Visiting the main Aquarium in Malta, Dave saw an Arapaima for the first time and declared that was his new target species....which he has now caught and which is his biggest ever fish even beating his Namibian shore caught Bronze Whaler shark of 230lb caught 12 years ago!
 Here's Dave's lakeside Kingdom for the day. And lunch is bought round to the angler's individual fan cooled about being spoilt.
 Mark added to his species with a fine Red Tail catfish caught on legered chicken neck, a favourite delicacy for redtails.

 And here's Steve with another of his 3 successfully landed Arapaima.

The lake fished superbly on Saturday with 10 Arapaima being netted from different swims around the lake.

And here's Steve again with a Redtail Catfish.

Final fish of the day came to Steve just before the 7pm closing time with a rare Rita Catfish which was a bit too late to get back into the water just before the drive home....thus no photo.

The chaps have experienced some truly amazing fishing during our 5 weeks here so far. Steve and Dave leave us this week so there's just one more day of Phuket Lake fishing to go until we have our next band of top anglers to spend time with us including yet another International Sea Angling Star...Mr Ray Barron.

Oh Dear, I dread to imagine what will happen during Ray's stay!

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