Friday, March 27, 2009

Jai 'In the Blue'

So, I'm back in Weymouth, cleaning and scrubbing my boat all week ready for the season and Jai.....diving in Phuket. Is this fair I hear you say....No! It ain't!! We are booked until the end of April so Jai is running the Thai side of Offshore Rebel.

Jai was given the mission of going out with the camera and taking photo's of 'The Blue' rather than the dinky little things that hide in the rocks.

So she has.......and here's some of her photo's.

I asked her to capture the feeling of flying and space to get photo's with STACKS of fish in.........Good Gal!'s great, eh?

And a little wreck to finish up with...thanks Jai.....and as Jai would say...'Oooooo, velly nice'

You can see the diving is great...and it became a very popular thing for our guests to do...don't forget...learning to dive can be part of your's all free with me...and then if you like to go onto a full blown Padi Course with Kon Tiki Divers, that can be arranged. You'll love it.
Next year, Kon Tiki have planned some very exciting one day, two day and three day snorkeling safari's....much cheaper than diving but you'll have a wonderful tie going with them to the fabulous places they have planned to visit.
So far, I have 2 rooms available in January for the first 3 weeks, Feb is all booked, two weeks with the house free in March, 3rd and 4th week of arch is booked.
So, it's going me...or it will all be gone.
£200 per room (sleeps 2) per week or £600 for the whole house (sleeps 7). Jai and I will be there as your guides if you book a room and we will be there IF you like if you book the whole house...up to you!
Thanks to everyone for making the first season such a resounding was a LOT of fun. Thank you.
Paul and Jai

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