Friday, January 30, 2009

John and Sonja's last Night

Great Food and Wild Nights

Thailand is famous for its food...many of us have enjoyed Thai meals together in Alderney. The food here IS amazing...and cheap.........and so much're all gonna love it!

The selection is endless.....Lydia surveys one restaurant's offerings.....there's even crispy bugs!

One of the great pleasures...sitting down to a great Thai meal
together...friendships, food and drink...AND WARMTH!

Thai Night Life is IS crazy and fun filled........there are bars everywhere and the Thai's are fantastically hospitable and party loving.......

Lydia is fascinated by the 7' tall Lady Boy and the Thai ladies are fascinated by Lydia..........any night at the bars is a scream.... you're gonna see some sights!
We've also found several very good night clubs with fine bands's a very different atmosphere at these as it's mainly wealthy Thai's freqenting such clubs. The atmosphere is very polite and gentle....NOT! Ha Ha!
Today our guests John and Sonja leave us to return to the UK...I guess they will get one more serious shopping effort in. Steve and I plus Horst (the Swiss EFSA Chairman who lives here) will be fishing in the late afternoon and evening before joining the ladies and friends for Lydia and Steve's farewell's a hard life!
BOOKINGS for late 2009 and 2010
On a serious note, the house is getting booked up already for next winter. Our four current guests are returning and half of March 2010 is booked.
I took over the booking and arranging of flight for quite a few of this year's customers as I managed to find cheaper flights.
You have choices
Option the house to yourselfs...£600 per week. Sleeps 7 and includes a car.
Option the house yourself £600 per week...with me and Jai here as your guides/arrangers, house cleaners etc etc......
Option 3. You book a room (there's 3 rooms) at £200 per week (2 to a room so £100 per week each if two of you). Jai and I will be here to meet you at the airport, help you get to grips with the place, advise you and arrange trips etc etc.
With Options 2 and 3, you also get the chance to start to learn diving with me!
If you want, I'll arrange all your international and internal flights as well; including arranging a stopover in Bangkok if you fancy that as part of your holiday. Anything to make things easier for you now that I've got the hang of finding and booking it all...

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